…only flying is more magnificent – right after that is probably ‘convertible hiking’

You don’t see much of this anymore. Gone are the days when practically every tin can manufacturer – that is, not the ones for drinking, but the automotive means of transport – had these wonderfully fun topless vehicles in their range. Today, cars, including their windows, are becoming darker and more opaque. Everything closed off, no sight of the people inside. But they still exist, these cheerful characters, the open minds that want to let the air and the wind blow around their ears. And it’s precisely these kinds of cheerful people who can find like-minded people at nawu-apartments.

Here in the south, bordering Italy and Slovenia, the number of days that make the longed-for push of the ‘roof open’ switch come true is much higher. Once freed from the roof lining, the view of heaven on earth frees the mind. The impressive natural spectacles can be seen much more intensely this way. The view of the mountains and lakes has an impact on you and you feel it with all your senses. Only then does the eye grasp the full splendour of the landscape. From traffic-free, winding roads and small towns in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with sweeping views of the Italian Po Valley to lively lake promenades, the nawu countryside has such a range of panoramas.

If you don’t own one of these convertibles, you can rent one on site to breathe in this feeling of life. You’re probably thinking that the word convertible comes from the French. It means ‘to turn upside down’. Probably an apt description. The way your heart beats faster when you’re cruising along without a roof is noticeable.

At nawu, we know every beautiful street, every ‘place to be’, every horizon between our Alpine peaks and the sea. Every day trip is an experience. And we can reveal these places and tours to you. We can share them with you and sometimes even join you.

We love freedom, we love open people, we love convertibles.